MEATEST: Uživatelské příručky kalibračních měřidel

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Poznámky redaktora
*W AI Prevents the lib from executing com and or qu rie until all previous rem ote have been executed. Common Command Summary Command Description *ID ? R eturns anufacturer, odel num ber, rial num ber and firm are revision num ber. *E eturns the vent tatus Enable register. *E eturns vent tatus register. Query: MODE? Returns one the following functions: 44 User Manual . *TS T? S tarts lib and returns "0" pass and "1" for fail.r. Using the URce ands Setting functions that generate output are controlled through the SOURCE command set. Using the OUTPut ands Remotely controlling the application the output signal the Calibrator’s output terminals accomplished through the OUTPut command.o.M191 Insulation Tester Calibrator________________________________________ MEATEST, s. *O ets the bit the vent tatus egister. *C lears the vent tatus register. *E <value> ets the vent tatus register. Parameters: <CPD> Output signal applied OFF Output signal disconnected Query: OUTP? Returns “ON” “OFF” indicate application output signal. Table give summary the Calibrator’s OUTPut commands. OUTPut[:S Te](?) <CPD> {ON OFF 0} Description: Similar the front panel’s OUTPUT ON/OFF key, this command will apply or remove resistance capacitance decade from the Calibrator’s output terminals. *S <value> ets the ervice equest nable register. Table gives summary the Calibrator’s SOURce commands. *R esets the lib its initial status. [SOURce] ?) Description: This command returns the selected mode the calibrator. *O eturns "1" hen all pending ope tio are com plete. T s SCPI and Details The following sections give detailed description each command. *S eturns the ervice equest nable register. *S eturns the tatus Byte egister