MEATEST: Uživatelské příručky kalibračních měřidel

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Poznámky redaktora
Table gives summary the Calibrator’s SOURce commands. [SOURce] ?) Description: This command returns the selected mode the calibrator. *O eturns "1" hen all pending ope tio are com plete. Using the URce ands Setting functions that generate output are controlled through the SOURCE command set. *E eturns vent tatus register.M191 Insulation Tester Calibrator________________________________________ MEATEST, s. Using the OUTPut ands Remotely controlling the application the output signal the Calibrator’s output terminals accomplished through the OUTPut command. *W AI Prevents the lib from executing com and or qu rie until all previous rem ote have been executed.o. *E eturns the vent tatus Enable register. *E <value> ets the vent tatus register. *S eturns the tatus Byte egister. *S <value> ets the ervice equest nable register. *C lears the vent tatus register. *O ets the bit the vent tatus egister. Query: MODE? Returns one the following functions: 44 User Manual . *TS T? S tarts lib and returns "0" pass and "1" for fail. Table give summary the Calibrator’s OUTPut commands. T s SCPI and Details The following sections give detailed description each command. Common Command Summary Command Description *ID ? R eturns anufacturer, odel num ber, rial num ber and firm are revision num ber.r. OUTPut[:S Te](?) <CPD> {ON OFF 0} Description: Similar the front panel’s OUTPUT ON/OFF key, this command will apply or remove resistance capacitance decade from the Calibrator’s output terminals. *R esets the lib its initial status. *S eturns the ervice equest nable register. Parameters: <CPD> Output signal applied OFF Output signal disconnected Query: OUTP? Returns “ON” “OFF” indicate application output signal