R istance2< ets the resista for PSP ode.
:C ent?
R eturns the rre flow ing thro the selected
[:LE el] ets the resista for ode
:V atge?
R eturns the easured lta the open utput
term inals.
TTIM ets the tim PSP ode.
:TO altim eturns the easured total tim e.
:H esistance ets lib ode.
T ets the tim PSP ode.
[:LE el] ets the cap citan HVC ode
:V atge?
R eturns the easured lta the open utput
term inals.
C atio? eturns the fficie the DPP ode.
R istance0< ets the resista for ode.
[:LE el]? eturns the the ode.
:S ets lib ode.
: apacitance ets lib HVC ode.
T TIM e2? eturns the tim the PSP ode.
R put? eturns the actual tpu resista the DPP ode.
C Index? eturns the fficie for the DPP ode. s.
RESistanceO eturns the resista the DPP ode.M191 Insulation Tester Calibrator
SOURce Command Summary
R istance3< ets the resista for PSP ode.
:R unt?
R eturns the conted resistance *co fficie for
the DPP ode.
Command Description
[S ce] Path subsystem .
: aram eters
S ets lib ielectric and polarization
param eters ode.
C atio? eturns the fficie for the DPP ode.
:V atge?
R eturns the easured lta the open utput
term inals.r.
:C ent? eturns the current.
: olarization
S ets lib rogram able sim polarization
m ode.
T eturns the tim the PSP ode.
:V atge?
R eturns the easured lta the open utput
term inals.
R ista ets the resista for PSP ode.
C atio ets the fficie DPP ode.
:M eturns ode the lib to.
TTIM ets the tim PSP ode.
[:LE el]? eturns the the ode.
R eturns the resista the PSP ode.
:V atge?
R eturns the easured lta the open utput
term inals.
T s
42 User Manual
RESistanceO eturns the resista the PSP ode.
RESistanceO ets the resista for PSP ode.
R istance3? eturns the resista the PSP ode.
TTIM eturns the tim the PSP ode.
:TO altim eturns the easured total tim e.o.
[:LE el]? eturns the the HVC ode.
C tio ets the fficie for DPP ode.
R istance2? eturns the resista the PSP ode.
:TIM ets lib TIM ode.
C ets the fficie for DPP ode