* 81/2 digit multimeter Agilent 3458A pA-meter Keithley 2635A similar with current range100
nA mA
* RLC meter Agilent 4263A, Agilent 4278A, other with accuracy 0. Connect calibrator output standard multimeter type according the table Tab select function of
ohmmeter. Set resistance values 10kQ 100 the calibrator. Check reading the standard multimeter and
compare with limits the table TabV. Recommended test points including applied
method specification and allowed limits are shown table Tab V.o.e.___________________________ M191 Insulation Tester Calibrator
Procedure recommended for verifying parameters the calibrator described this chapter.Verification procedure
* Multifunction calibrator Meatest M-140, M142, Fluke 5500A similar with voltage range 1000
V. s. Connect the calibrator the mains and let them switched for least one 15minutes laboratory at
23±1 oC.1%.
Configuration the calibrator
Calibrator should tested directly from the front panel terminals.
User Manual v16 33
Basic steps oftheperformance verification test
Verification procedure consists following steps:
• range from 1TQ
• lta ranges kV
• range mA
• test points 10n, 50n, 100nF
Following part describes procedure performance verification test. Calibrator have temperature stabilize condition
at minimum hours before performance verification test started.01 accuracy and range GQ. minutes after switching on.
R tio n
* Process calibrator Burster 4423, Fluke 745A similar with current range and accuracy
better than .
* High voltage source Heinzinger PNC-10000 similar with output voltage accuracy 0. Performance verification may performed
after warm-up period i.
Required equipment
Following instruments are required for calibration:
* 81/2 digit multimeter type Fluke 8508A similar with 0