Poznámky redaktora
Select CALIBRATION MENU item. test voltage is
given standard multimeter for positions R00 R37..
1.1 %
• Multifunction calibrator Meatest M-140, M142, Fluke 5500A similar with voltage range 1000
V.1%.M191 Insulation Tester Calibrator MEATEST.01 accuracy and range GQ.
VAM .o.
V lta ita tio n
C alibration eaning alibration equested accuracy Test ethod
- -
V00 Zero range 0.
• Process calibrator Burster 4423, Fluke 745A similar with current range and accuracy
0 .2 DM-PC
V01 Slope range 000 VDC 10V DM-PC
I00 Zero range 5mA 0.0 VDC 0.000 5uA DM-PC
I01 Slope range 5mA 5.
• High voltage source Heinzinger PNC-10000 similar with output voltage accuracy 0.000 100 RCL
C02 100nF capacitor 100. Enter the calibration code and press ENTER (default calibration code “000000”).
2. direct measurement using standard RCL meter, test frequency 100 Hz,test voltage 1V
Full calibration procedure
Following pages describe procedure the full calibration.
• 81/2 digit multimeter Agilent 3458A pA-meter Keithley 2635A similar with current range 100
nAto mA
• RLC meter Agilent 4263A, Agilent 4278A, other with accuracy 0.00 200 RCL
Tab List calibration points
DM . Select item GND and switch ON.r.... direct measurement using standard multimeter, two wire connection..000 DM-PC
C00 capacitor 10.000 RCL
C01 capacitor 50. Connect the calibrator and the multimeter the mains and let them switched for atleast minutes
in laboratory 23±1 and %.
DM-HVM direct measurement using standard multimeter, two wire connection,high voltagemode.
30 User Manual
.. Press SETUP display button call the setup menu.
Following instruments are required for calibration:
• 81/2 digit multimeter type Fluke 8508A similar with 0.
3.2%. Volt-amper methodusing multifunction calibrator and uA-meter
DM-PC direct measurement using standard process calibrator
RCL . s