Poznámky redaktora
The address set the manufacturer.
9. UP, DOWN display buttons can used select any valid
GBIP address the range 30. only selected functions are calibrated selected points
26 User Manual
6.. pressing GPIB RS232 buttons, the
respective type can selected.e. CPU firm are x
CPU block firmware version.pressing ENTER. Perfect communication with the requires equal values set the and the
calibrator.r.e.e. all functions are calibrated all recommended points
• partially, i. Active terfa ce.
7.. UP/D N
Indicates the communication speed RS232 bus... Calibration mode
The M191 calibrator includes calibration procedure, which allows calibration the calibrator. N
Displays the calibrator’s address the GPIB bus. The calibration can controlled using the buttons and menu the calibrator. UP/DOWN display buttons can used select 9600, 19200,
28800, 38400, 57600, 115200..
Calibration principles
The calibrator can calibrated:
• completely, i. The parameter cannot changed. only selected functions are calibrated all recommended points
• partially, i..
11. non-zero calibration code set, correct calibration code must entered access the
calibration mode. The calibrator can remotely controlled only using the selected interface. PIB/RS232
Displays the type interface used control the calibrator from PC. firm are x
LVR block firmware version..
10. The parameter cannot changed.
6 Serial num ber x
Displays the serial number ofthe calibrator. Partial resistors
of the internal serial resistance decade and calibration points internal meters can readjusted during the
calibration predefined order.. PIB address. The parameter cannot changed.
8 S232 baud .o. Non-zero calibration code not displayed further the display.
M191 Insulation Tester Calibrator________________________________________ MEATEST, s