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Program Caliber sestává ze čtyř základních modulů: Procedury K arty přístrojů Uživatelské funkce Pravidla generování Podstatou programu je automatizovaná kalibrace měřidel, která probíhá podle předem připraveného kalibračního postupu neboli Kalibrační procedury. Pro práci s kalibračními procedurami je určen základní modul programu Caliber nazvaný Procedury. Pomocí tohoto modulu lze vytvářet a upravovat kalibrační procedury a lze i přímo provádět kalibrace. Pro kalibrační proceduru jsou důležité přístroje, které se při kalibraci využívají. V nejjednodušším případě proceduru tvoří seznam přístrojů a seznam vybraných funkcí, rozsahů a bodů kontrolovaného přístroje. Přístroj je v programu Caliber definován kartou přístroje. Karta přístroje obsahuje veškerý popis přístroje. Jedná se zejména o seznam podporovaných funkcí, definice rozsahů, specifikace a způsob ovládání přístroje. Pro práci s kartami přístrojů je určen modul K arty přístrojů.
Autor: Meatest
Strana 843 z 1213
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The controller can, for example, send query command the M140 and then wait for MAV become TRUE. When RQS the M140 asserts the SRQ control line the IEEE-488 interface. Device-specific Error any executed device operation that did not properly complete due some condition, such overload. Master Summary Status, bit The MSS bit set whenever bits ESB MAV are and enabled (1) the SRE. cleared register does not allow status information generate rsv local message and thus, service request are issued. The ESR cleared when the power turned on, and every time read.
SRE Service Request Enable Register
The Service Request Enable Register 8-bit register that enables corresponding summary messages the Status Byte Register. Event Summary Bit, bit The ESB bit set when one more enabled ESR bits are set Conversely, the ESB bit set when enabled ESR bits are set Message Available, bit The MAV bit set whenever data available the M140 IEEE488 Output Queue. Thus the application programmer can select reason for device (M140) issue service request altering the contents the SRE. The Service Request Enable Register read with the *SRE? common query. This bit can read using the *STB? command serial remote control place doing serial poll. The Service Request Enable Register written with the *SRE common command followed integer value 191). This message used synchronize information exchange with the controller. result, its summary message will reset which turn will clear the ESB bit the Status Byte Register. You can serial poll read this bit see the M140 the source SRQ. Device Dependent Error, bit This event bit indicates that error has occurred which neither Command Error, Query Error, nor Execution Error.
ESR Event Status Register
The Event Status Register two-byte register which the higher eight bits are always and the lower eight bits represent various conditions the M140 calibrator. User Request, bit This event bit indicates disconnecting connecting any cable adapter the auxiliary connector the front panel.r.o. Execution Error, bit This event bit indicates that the received command cannot executed, owing the device state the command parameter being out bounds. application program begins read operation the Output Queue without first checking for MAV, all system bus activity held until the M140 responds. Bit configuration Status Byte Register RQS Request Service, bit The RQS bit set whenever bits ESB MAV change from and are enabled (1) the SRE. Query Error, bit This event bit indicates that either: attempt being made read data from the Output Queue when output either present pending data the Output Queue has been lost
User Manual
. The Service Request Enable Register cleared upon power-on. Command Error, bit This event bit indicates that incorrectly formed command query has been detected the M140. The value unused bit shall always zero.MEATEST, s. The response message this query represents the sum the binary-weighted values the SRE. Bit configuration Event Status Register PON URQ CME EXE DDE Power On, bit This event bit indicates that off-to-on transition has occurred the device’s power supply.
M191 Insulation Tester Calibrator
will clear. Sending the *SRE common command followed zero clears the SRE. The IEC 625-1 bus available for other use while application program waiting for device respond