LAPP: Food & Beverage

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Lapp solutions for Food & Beverage. There are few industries which are as multifacetedand demanding when it comes tothe requirements and oper ating conditionsas the food and beverage industry. Thestrict hygiene and cleanliness requirementsthat exist in the food processing segmentalso apply to its machineries and electricalcomponents.

Vydal: LAPP KABEL s.r.o. Autor: Lapp Group

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Poznámky redaktora
▯ High resistance tensides, soaps etc. FIP registered trademark World FIP Lapp Kabel member the PROFIBUS user organisation (PNO) Photographs are not scale and not represent detailed images the respective Packaging size: coil 250 otherwise drum Please specify the preferred type packaging (e. Detailed values (e.g. Copper price basis: EUR 150/100 kg.g. ■ Accessories ▯ EPIC® Data Connectors .lappkabel.5 nF/km Peak operating voltage (not for power applications) 250 V Minimum bending radius Fixed installation: mm Test voltage Core/core: 1500 rms Core/screen: 1500 V Characteristic impedance (3 MHz): 150 Ohm Temperature range -40°C +80°C Article number Article designation Number pairs and conductor diameter (mm) Outer diameter (mm) Copper index (kg/km) Weight (kg/km) for ixed installation 2170620 UNITRONIC® BUS ROBUST 0. Refer catalogue appendix T17 for the deinition and calculation copper-related surcharges.lappgroup.0 Mbit/s 100 m ■ Product Make-up ▯ Solid and bare copper conductor ▯ Foam Skin core isolation (O2YS) ▯ Overall screening with copper braid and plastic-laminated aluminium foil ▯ Tin-plated copper wire braiding ▯ With conventional cable design, but with an outer sheath made special TPE ■ Technical data Mutual capacitance (1 kHz): approx. 500 drum 100 coils).75 kbit/s 1200 m 187.64 55 Unless speciied otherwise, the shown product values are nominal values. SIMATIC® registered trademark SIEMENS AG. ÖLFLEX® UNITRONIC® ETHERLINE® HITRONIC® EPIC® SKINTOP® SILVYN® FLEXIMARK® ACCESSORIES Data communication systems Cables for bus systems PROFIBUS-DP/FMS/FIP Characteristic impedance: 135 165 ohm       UNITRONIC® BUS ROBUST Fixed installation ■ Beneits ▯ Robust PROFIBUS cable for use under harsh environmental conditions ■ Application range ▯ For use for PROFIBUS-DP FIP harsh industrial environments ▯ Fixed installation ▯ Dairy and cheese technology ▯ Packaging machines ▯ Weighing and dosing systems ▯ Mills for grains and cereals ▯ Oil presses ▯ Coaters and roasters ■ Product features ▯ Signiicantly extended use and application areas, water and chemical resistance for use industrial conditions.5 Mbit/s 200 m 12. tolerances) are available upon request.For current information see: www.5 kbit/s 1000 m 500 kbit/s 400 m 1. Please ind our standard lengths at: www. ▯ UV-resistant ▯ Flame-retardant according IEC 60332-1-2 ▯ Based the bit rates listed, accord- ance with PNO speciications the following maximum cable lengths for bus segment apply (cable type PROFIBUS-DP): 93