LAPP: Food & Beverage

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Lapp solutions for Food & Beverage. There are few industries which are as multifacetedand demanding when it comes tothe requirements and oper ating conditionsas the food and beverage industry. Thestrict hygiene and cleanliness requirementsthat exist in the food processing segmentalso apply to its machineries and electricalcomponents.

Vydal: LAPP KABEL s.r.o. Autor: Lapp Group

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Poznámky redaktora
certiied); - Direct burial; - Bus Drop Cable (2.6 60.5 8.2 321.0 10. tolerances) are available upon request.: E100338]. Attributes: - OIL RES II; - 75°C Wet, 90°C Dry; - Technically sunlight resistant (not SUN. Detailed values (e.4 246 281612CY 1.: E171371]; - (UL) MTW per 1063 [UL ile no.3 198.1 193 281812CY 1.5 326. 610 drum coils). RES.3 284.75 mm²) ■ Product Make-up ▯ Fine-wire strand made bare copper wires ▯ Insulation: PVC with nylon sheath (PA skin) ▯ Aluminum-coated foil ▯ Tinned-copper braiding ▯ Outer sheath made special PVC compound, grey ■ Technical data Classiication ETIM 5.5 315 281205CY 14.5 10.6 750 281403CY 2.4 499 281004CY 15.0 225.4 574 281602CY 1.4 81.0 Class-ID: EC000104 ETIM 5. moved: 5/20xOD* Nominal voltage UL/CSA: 600 (TC, MTW, CIC), WTTC 1000 V UL/CSA: 1000 (AWM) VDE U0 /U: 600/1000 V Test voltage 2000 V Protective conductor G with GN-YE protective conductor X without protective conductor Temperature range -40°C (static)/ -25°C (occ. Please ind our standard lengths at: www.2 242.lappgroup.2.7 388 281207CY 15.0 12.3 268 281407CY ÖLFLEX® UNITRONIC® ETHERLINE® HITRONIC® EPIC® SKINTOP® SILVYN® FLEXIMARK® ACCESSORIES Power and control cables Various applications PVC sheath, certiied       ÖLFLEX® CONTROL CY ▯ Torsion resistant for drip loops ▯ Wide application range (NFPA 70/ NEC)/ compliance with NFPA for industrial machinery ▯ EMC/Screened Info ■ Beneits ▯ Wide application range due multiple certiications ▯ Cost-saving, easy installation due to omission closed raceways (suitable for open wiring) ■ Application range ▯ Industrial machinery; plant engineering ▯ Dairy and cheese technology ▯ Packaging machines ▯ Deighing and dosing systems ▯ Mills for grains and cereals ▯ Oil presses ▯ Coaters and roasters ▯ TC-ER (Tray Cable Exposed Run) approval for open wiring between cable tray and industrial machines/plants acc. moved) to +90°C (AWM: +105°C) Article number Number cores and mm² per conductor Outer diameter (mm) Copper index (kg/km) Weight (kg/km) ÖLFLEX® CONTROL CY 281803CY 1.5 15. Refer catalogue appendix T17 for the deinition and calculation copper-related surcharges. NEC (NFPA 70): - Class Division per NEC Article 501. UL and CSA cable type certiications for use Canada: - c(UL) CIC/ FT4 [UL ile no.5 9.6 1208 ■ Similar products ▯ ÖLFLEX® TRAY CY ■ Accessories ▯ SKINTOP® MS-SC-M Unless speciied otherwise, the shown product values are nominal values.5 19.0 15.5 mm²/ AWG and larger, 3-core and 4-core versions only); - NFPA 2015 Edition; - FT4 lame retardance.5 160. Additionally: - Impact and Crush test per 1277 (excluding 0. 336, 392, 501 ■ Product features ▯ Flame-retardant according CSA FT4 UL Vertical-Tray Flame Test ▯ Oil-resistant according OIL RES II ▯ Water-resistant, 75°C wet rating ■ Norm references Approvals ▯ Multi-standard cables have conductor strands with nominal sizes mm² or AWG/kcmil. The master size mentioned in the table below, while the equivalent size the other system can found in the Appendix T16 this catalogue.5 458.7 115 281603CY 1.3 49. accordance with NEC “Na- tional Electrical Code” Art.0 17.236 552 281005CY 16.4 149 281807CY 1.5 119 281804CY 1.0 9.g. For this related secondary size the cross- section the conductor mostly works out to greater than the speciied nominal value. ▯ cable type certiications for use: - (UL) TC-ER per 1277 [UL ile no.10(7) ▯ Class Div.5 228.2 438 281825CY 1.7 552 281625CY 1.9 723.5 17.1 140.6 223 281405CY 2.4 213 327 281204CY 12.1 49. NEC 336.0 Class-Description: Control cable Core identiication code Black with white numbers Conductor stranding Fine-wire, bare copper strand Torsion movement WTG TW-0 TW-2, refer Appendix T0 Minimum bending radius Static/Occ.4 135.g.9 173 281605CY 1.0 8.5 10.5 8.8 144 281604CY 1.7 105.: E323700]; - AWM styles 2587 21098 (Oil) per UL 758 [UL ile no.3 81.0 8.7 348.3 323.4 330 281818CY 1.0 101.1 189 281607CY 1.8 613 280804CY 18.5 11.2 210. Photographs are not scale and not represent detailed images the respective Packaging size: coil 250 otherwise drum Please specify the preferred type packaging (e.25For current information see: www.7 180 281404CY 2.4 453.2 99.lappkabel. *OD Outer diameter .8 161. Copper price basis: EUR 150/100 kg.: E155920]; - (UL) WTTC per 2277 [UL ile no.4 857 280604CY 22.2 426 281618CY 1.5 12.5 9.2 137 281805CY 1.5 11.: E171371]; - CSA AWM I/II A/B FT1; - CSA C22