LAPP: Food & Beverage

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Lapp solutions for Food & Beverage. There are few industries which are as multifacetedand demanding when it comes tothe requirements and oper ating conditionsas the food and beverage industry. Thestrict hygiene and cleanliness requirementsthat exist in the food processing segmentalso apply to its machineries and electricalcomponents.

Vydal: LAPP KABEL s.r.o. Autor: Lapp Group

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Poznámky redaktora
4 490 746 1119341 G1.1 128 1119306 G1.0 100 200 300 500 1000 6.5 100 500 1000 12.9 171 1119812 X0.2 180 1119212 G1.0 100 200 300 500 1000 6.1 94 1119206 G1.0 100 500 1000 18.0 100 200 300 500 1000 8.5 100 500 1000 17.5 100 500 1000 21.6 116 210 1119309 G1.0 100 200 300 500 1000 10.4 130 221 1119310 G1.9 101 166 1119907 X1.4 718 1271 1119852 X1.75 100 500 1000 10.4 296 538 1119150 G0.1 128 1119905 X1.2 53 1119203 G1.0 173 279 1119314 G1.0 100 500 22.5 100 500 1000 14.4 346 578 1119241 G1.7 173 320 1119868 X1.0 100 500 1000 11.6 480 797 1119256 G1.8 336 515 1119418 G2.75 100 500 1000 11.7 936 1398 1119952 X2.19For current information see: www.6 266 1119218 G1.5 100 200 300 500 1000 6.5 100 200 300 500 1000 10.5 100 200 300 500 1000 6.5 100 500 1000 11.5 100 200 300 500 1000 7.0 100 500 23.4 361 1119318 G1.2 134 238 1119216 G1.8 432 648 .0 100 200 300 500 1000 6.1 586 958 1119265 G1.5 115 205 1119214 G1.0 100 200 300 500 1000 6.75 100 500 1000 11.75 100 500 1000 14.0 100 200 300 500 1000 10.4 137 1119110 G0.75 100 500 1000 13.1 132 1119404 G2.3 374.5 100 500 1000 17.7 84 1119903 X1.4 79 1119854 ÖLFLEX® UNITRONIC® ETHERLINE® HITRONIC® EPIC® SKINTOP® SILVYN® FLEXIMARK® ACCESSORIES Power and control cables Various applications PVC outer sheath and numbered cores Article number Number cores and mm² per conductor Standard lengths, metre Outer diameter (mm) Copper index (kg/km) Weight (kg/km) 25 100 200 300 500 1000 1119807 X0.75 100 200 300 500 1000 9.7 202 323 1119316 G1.7 130 244 1119121 G0.0 100 200 300 500 1000 7.75 100 500 1000 10.5 100 500 1000 16.0 100 500 1000 12.2 367 646 1119161 G0.5 100 200 300 500 1000 8.75 100 500 26.0 100 200 300 500 1000 7.5 100 200 300 500 1000 7.75 100 500 20.4 538 888 1119261 G1.4 157 1119307 G1.2 187.0 100 200 300 500 1000 10.0 28.5 100 500 1000 11.3 960 1560 1119902 X1.8 468 832 1119180 G0.8 288 445 1119414 G2.5 100 200 300 500 1000 8.0 164 1119210 G1.0 100 500 28.0 100 500 21.5 100 500 1000 19.0 100 200 300 500 1000 8.7 240 408 1119226 G1.0 100 200 300 500 1000 9.5 100 200 300 500 1000 8.75 100 500 21.5 101 1119403 G2.4 192 330 1119870 X1.5 100 500 25.4 192 330 1119225 G1.75 100 200 300 500 1000 9.9 360 560 1119326 G1.7 302 469 1119325 G1.75 100 200 300 500 1000 7.5 100 500 1000 15.75 100 500 1000 15.1 168 267 1119412 G2.5 100 500 1000 10.0 100 500 1000 15.1 249 424 1119234 G1.4 259 407 1119321 G1.5 100 500 1000 13.5 100 200 300 500 1000 7.0 100 500 1000 17.lappgroup.5 100 200 300 500 1000 8.6 115 210 1119313 X1.75 100 200 300 500 1000 9.1 326 551 1119236 G1.6 158 258 1119312 G1.3 68 1119303 G1.0 100 500 1000 13.8 153.5 100 500 1000 18.0 126 1119208 G1.0 100 500 20.3 768 1251 1119300 100 G1.9 108 209 1119117 X0.7 461 704 1119334 G1.5 100 500 1000 11.5 100 500 23.2 350 1119134 G0.9 108 209 1119116 G0.0 113 1119207 G1.9 171 1119115 G0.5 100 200 300 500 1000 8.0 151 286 1119125 G0.5 100 500 1000 11.5 149 1119209 G1.4 79 1119205 G1.2 360 648 1119151 G0.4 86.6 624 1033 1119280 G1.5 38.5 439 779 1119165 G0.5 115 205 1119862 X1.9 101 166 1119308 G1.3 101 1119109 G0.2 220 1119118 G0.75 100 500 1000 13.5 100 500 26.75 100 500 1000 17.2 878 1309 1119365 G1.75 100 200 300 500 1000 9.5 100 200 300 500 1000 6.0 100 500 1000 14.1 115.0 120 200 1119407 G2.5 720 1089 1119361 G1.0 28.7 173 320 1119220 G1.0 100 200 300 500 1000 10.8 65 1119853 X1.0 100 200 300 500 1000 5.2 104 1119305 G1.1 94 1119855 X1.8 394 661 1119250 G1.2 104 1119904 X1.5 38.5 100 500 1000 14.0 100 500 1000 13.9 163 1119405 G2.6 150 1119112 G0.0 100 500 1000 12.8 65 1119204 G1.4 582 1119332 G1.8 180 337 1119126 G0.5 100 500 1000 15.7 19.5 100 500 1000 12.6 576 1019 1119200 100 G0.75 100 500 23.6 143 243 1119311 G1.9 245 448 1119141 G0.5 100 200 300 500 1000 8.0 100 500 25.0 173 279 1119912 X1.5 100 500 1000 12.75 100 500 19.5 100 500 1000 10.75 100 500 19.3 591 895 1119350 G1.0 100 500 1000 11.0 100 200 300 500 1000 8.0 126 1119857 X1.0 100 500 1000 17.4 230.5 100 200 300 500 1000 8.7 84 1119304 G1