Kurz osvětlovací techniky XXVII

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Konference Kurz osvětlovací techniky XXVII je tradičním, jak je již z názvu patrno,27. setkáním všech, kteří se světelnou technikou pracují, mají k ní co říct a mají jitaké rádi.Česká společnost pro osvětlování regionální skupina Ostrava se touto akcí snažípřispět k pravidelné výměně informací a řešení problémů, které se v oblastiosvětlování během roku vyskytnou.Zaměření konference je tradiční, nicméně jsme se snažili vyzvednout následující, dlenašeho názoru, nejaktuálnější témata:ENERGETICKÉ AUDITY BUDOV A SVĚTELNÉ DIODYI v rámci tohoto hesla je konference rozdělena do několika odborných sekcí.• Hygiena• Vnitřní osvětlení• Venkovní osvětlení• Elektro• Veřejné osvětleníZa pořadatele konference přeji všem účastníkům mnoho odborných i společenskýchzážitků.Předseda ČSO RS Ostravaprof. Ing. Karel Sokanský, CSc.

Vydal: ČSO Česká společnost pro osvětlování Autor: Česká společnost pro osvětlování

Strana 196 z 350

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outstanding improvement was identified all investigated items day light and artificial light, sun blindness, workplace color scheme, overall rating. With this aspect united sufficient relax after visual effort. Goal this thesis was find propriety used methods too. The group “I. Adéla Kadulová VŠB Technical University Ostrava 17.” has assessed the lighting the workplace mostly inconvenient. Methods investigation: • default question-form know the basic information about the questioned • subjective satisfaction with workplace lighting question-form • objective measurement artificial lighting the workplace • comparing both files non-parametric two-selective Wilcoxons´ (Mann-Whitney) test Monitored file: • Group employees (investigation 2006), Group II.190 Kurz osvětlovací techniky XXVII THE VALIDITY SUBJECTIVE ASSESSMENT AND OBJECTIVE MEASUREMENT IN EVALUATION NATURAL LIGHTING Ing. Conclusion: After reviewing all result it’s obvious, that the reconstruction the building has had positive influence to the workplace lighting quality. There was exception made elements affecting well-being employees. Ivo Penn, Mgr. can prove this objective lighting measurement. can also come to a conclusion that selected method suitable examine this issue. The result objective measurement artificial lighting that the requested average level of lighting has been accomplished, which was not before the reconstruction. Affirmative influence lighting well-being employees provable from the results. There was not noticed change lowering “headache” non-specific visual complaints result of visual effort. The most employees miss the view out window even after the reconstruction. the other side stand before the fact the subjective affection employees lighting parameters. many cases are feelings of the employees contrasts with objectively detected lighting parameters. There seen an outstanding increment evaluation from the employees, because there are adverse effects health as before the reconstruction. The purpose this thesis was to determine the quality lighting the workplace after the building reconstruction and also these changes were efficient. listopadu 15 Ostrava Poruba 708 33 Key words: light, lighting, eyesight Preamble: In these times objective assessment lighting being highly emphasized. employees (investigation 2008) – both groups are clerks „Česká spořitelna“ • Investigation has been anonymous, monitored: age and length service Results: I have been able discover how much are the questioned satisfied with workplace lighting quality the basis question-forms both investigated groups.