Katalog Distribuce energie

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Vydal: HAGER ELECTRO s.r.o.

Strana 960 z 1142

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Poznámky redaktora
1A(30V) 7 mm a b S P D B DIN VDE 0100-534 IEC 60364-5-53 B 0,5 m DIN VDE 0185-305-4: . PE(N) 2,5mm max. LPZ 0A LPZ LPZ LPZ3 Coordination mm 2 35 sPE(N) mm 2 35 s s L N TT/TN-S (3+1) Parallel connection Použití sítích TNS/TT (3+1) paralelní zapojení SPA180N SPA180 Type Type 61643-11, Class IEC 61643-11 Uc 350V 264V Un 240/415V (50/60Hz) Ifi 100Arms 50kArms ISCCR . mm 2 35 sPE(N) mm 2 35 s s L N 6LE007484Aa nnection TT/TN-S (3+1) Parallel connection SPA180N SPA180 Type Type 61643-11, Class IEC 61643-11 Uc 350V 264V Un 240/415V (50/60Hz) Ifi 100Arms 50kArms ISCCR . 50kArms Iimp 10/350µs 100kA 25kA max. 95% Ipe 10µA Ports 1 IP code (eingebaut built in) LxWxH 167mmx35,5mmx74,5mm L1 PEN S L3 L2 SL SPEN F1 KBN380 L1 N L3 L2 F1 PE Nur Innenraum Indoor use only Es ist kein zusätzlicher Abstand vom SPD geerdeten Flächen einzuhalten There distance from the SPD any ea KBN480 L1 L3 L2 F1 N PE S SPE SN SL 4,5 Nm PZ2 PP min....L,NPE(N)\ 35mm² OK Grün/Green/ Vert/Verde Replace Rot/Red/ Rouge/ Encamado 0,25 Nm PZ2 U max. Novinka Svodiče přepětí 959 Svodiče přepětí Typ Typ 2 SPA180N SPA180 Type Type 61643-11, Class IEC 61643-11 Uc 350V 264V Un 240/415V (50/60Hz) Ifi 100Arms 50kArms ISCCR ..Technické změny vyhrazeny. SPA180 3/III SPD type 3 acc.. . 1A(30V) 7 mm a b S P D B DIN VDE 01 IEC 60364- Fernmeldekontakt/Remote signalling contact 1 TN-C Parallel connection TN-S Parallel connection TT/TN-S (3+ Použití sítích TNC paralelní zapojení SPA180N SPA180 Type Type 61643-11, Class IEC 61643-11 Uc 350V 264V Un 240/415V (50/60Hz) Ifi 100Arms 50kArms ISCCR . LPZ 0A LPZ LPZ LPZ3 Coordination Fernmeldekontakt/Remote signalling contact mm 2 35 sPE(N) mm 2 35 s s L N 6LE007484Aa 1 SPA180, SPA180N TN-C Parallel connection TN-S Parallel connection TT/TN-S (3+1) Parallel connection 6LE007484Aa / 1227458-00 e Blitzstromableiter z Lightning surge arrester a Parafoudre y Scaricatore t Limitador sobretensães r Pararrayos Signalizace poruchy signalizační kontakt zelaná červená Nutno vyměnit . 61643-11: .../I max. 250V1A U max.. PE(N) 2,5mm² max. .. 125V/(200A) I max....L,NPE(N)\ 35mm OK Grün/Green/ Vert/Verde Replace Rot/Red/ Rouge/ Encamado 0,25 Nm PZ2 U max. 61643-11: . LPZ 0A LPZ LPZ LPZ3 Coordination Fernmeldekontakt/Remote signalling contact mm 2 35 sPE(N) mm 2 35 s s L N 6LE007484 1 SPA180, SPA180N TN-C Parallel connection TN-S Parallel connection TT/TN-S (3+1) Parallel connection 6LE007484Aa / 1227458-00 e Blitzstromableiter z Lightning surge arrester a Parafoudre y Scaricatore t Limitador sobretensães r Pararrayos 1 ted L1 N L3 L2 F1 PE KBN381 SPE SL SN / There distance from the SPD any earthed conductive surface required KBN480 SN SL 4,5 Nm PZ2 PP PP min. IEC 62305-4: .L,NPE(N)\ 35mm² OK Grün/Green/ Vert/Verde Replace Rot/Red/ Rouge/ Encamado 0,25 Nm PZ2 U max. backup fuse integrated °C -40°C . 250V1A C 125V/(200A) C 1A(30V) 7 mm a b S P D B DIN VDE 0100-534 IEC 60364-5-53 B 0,5 m SPD type 3 acc. SPA180 3/III SPD type 3 acc. PE(N) 2,5mm² max. +80°C Feuchte humidity . 61643-11: .../I max.. 1A(30V) 7 mm a b S P D B DIN VDE IEC 6036 Fernmeldekontakt/Remote signalling contact 1 TN-C Parallel connection TN-S Parallel connection TT/TN-S ( Použití sítích TNS paralelní zapojení L1 N L3 L2 F1 PE KBN381 SPE SL SN the SPD any earthed conductive surface required Installation PP PP 2,5mm² 35mm² a b DIN VDE 0100-534 IEC 60364-5-53 B 0,5 m DIN VDE 0185-305-4: .. 50kArms Iimp 10/350µs 100kA 25kA max. 50kArms Iimp 10/350µs 100kA 25kA max. 61643-11: .. IEC 62305-4: .... 125V/(200A) I max... backup fuse integrated °C -40°C ....L,NPE(N)\ 35mm² OK Grün/Green/ Vert/Verde Replace Rot/Red/ Rouge/ Encamado 0,25 Nm PZ2 U max.... 125V/(200A) I max. 50kArms Iimp 10/350µs 100kA 25kA max... backup fuse integrated °C -40°C .. .. 95% Ipe 10µA Ports 1 IP code (eingebaut built in) LxWxH 167mmx35,5mmx74,5mm L1 PEN S L3 L2 SL SPEN F1 KBN380 L1 N L3 L2 F1 PE KBN381 SPE SL SN Nur Innenraum Indoor use only Es ist kein zusätzlicher Abstand vom SPD geerdeten Flächen einzuhalten There distance from the SPD any earthed conductive surface required KBN480 L1 L3 L2 F1 N PE S SPE SN SL Installation 4,5 Nm PZ2 PP PP min.. IEC 62305-4: . PE(N) 2,5mm² max./I max.L,NPE(N)\ 35mm² 0,25 Nm PZ2 max.. 125V/(200A) I max. +80°C Feuchte humidity . +80°C Feuchte humidity ........... ... 250V1A U max. backup fuse integrated °C -40°C ../I max. 1A(30V) 7 mm a b S P D B DIN VDE 0100-534 IEC 60364-5-53 B 0,5 m DIN VDE 0185-305-4: . 95% Ipe 10µA Ports 1 IP code (eingebaut built in) LxWxH 167mmx35,5mmx74,5mm L1 PEN S L3 L2 SL SPEN F1 KBN380 L1 N L3 L2 F1 PE SN Nur Innenraum Indoor use only Es ist kein zusätzlicher Abstand vom SPD geerdeten Flächen einzuhalten There distance from the SPD any earth KBN480 L1 L3 L2 F1 N PE S SPE SN SL 4,5 Nm PZ2 PP min.. 250V1A U max... SPA180 3/III SPD type 3 acc. +80°C Feuchte humidity .. 95% Ipe 10µA Ports 1 IP code (eingebaut built in) LxWxH 167mmx35,5mmx74,5mm L1 PEN S L3 L2 SL SPEN F1 KBN380 L1 N L3 L2 F1 PE KBN381 SPE SL SN Nur Innenraum Indoor use only Es ist kein zusätzlicher Abstand vom SPD geerdeten Flächen einzuhalten There distance from the SPD any earthed conductive surface required KBN480 L1 L3 L2 F1 N PE S SPE SN SL Installation 4,5 Nm PZ2 PP PP min. 250V1A U max. PE(N) 2,5mm² max.