Kabely DRAKA pro fotovoltaické aplikace

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Propojení solárních panelů mezi sebou a spojovacím boxem= nízkonapěťový DC kabel Draka SUNflex, DRAKAFLEX® SUN BETAX®. Propojení spojovacího boxu s měničem = nízkonapěťový DC kabel Draka CYKY SUN® (Draka CYKY SUN® PREMIUM). Propojení měniče s transformátorem = nízkonapěťový AC kabel CYKY, 1-CYKY, 1-AYKY. Propojení transformátoru s rozvodnou = vysokonapěťový AC kabel Draka AXEKVCEY, CXEKVCY, N2XS(F)2Y, NA2XS(F)2Y ...

Vydal: Draka Kabely, s.r.o. Autor: Draka

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Poznámky redaktora
order to provide our customers better services are strongly expanding our sales team, well offered assortment e. was our proactive customer-oriented approach, superb products and advanced services that has made the second largest manufactu- rer cables and wires the Czech republic and respected player other Central European and East European markets.g. cables for photovoltaic applications. the only producer the market, can offer you complete wiring for photovoltaic power stations and for connecting distribution network. Next already proved Draka SUNflex and DRAKAFLEX® SUN BETAX® , have especially for those applications developed cable Draka CYKY SUN® in two construction alternatives.o.cz Měnič Inverter Transformátor Transformer 3 Rozvodna Electrical substation 4 .draka.r. grown into one the biggest companies the region.cz You can find data sheets to above mentioned cables on www.draka.strana 2/3 Since the establishment 1994 has the company Draka Kabely s. Datové listy k uvedeným kabelům najdete www. We introduce you cables for photovoltaic application next pages this catalogue