HTS Triax™ Energy Cable Systems

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High-temperature superconductor technology(HTS) is the key technology fortomorrow’s electricity market. Compared with copper conductors, HTS ceramic cableshave a number of signifi cant advantages. For example they can conduct electric current without resistance at app. 200°C below zero. Transmission capacity is five timeshigher than that of conductors made of copper, while current loss is reduced to one tenth. The development of HTS cables is inseparably linked to the name nkt cables. However, nkt cables is not just one of the ...

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2 HTS Triax™ Energy Cable Systems world’s leading companies the design, manufacture and marketing low, medium and high-voltage cables and accessories. Just like nkt cables, Southwire also innovator and pioneer in the field superconductor technology. The HTS cable conductors can also supplied with conventional warm insulation. High-temperature superconductor tech- nology (HTS) the key technology for tomorrow’s electricity market. In addition, with its workforce 3000 employ- ees this European high-tech corporation has been making history energy technology for more than 130 years now. For people the future purely and simply. nkt cables also has experience coaxial single-phase cables which are suitable for higher voltages. early as 2001 the first superconductive cable was put into operation public power supply network Copenhagen. It not just that energy suppliers longer lose unnecessary energy during transmission across their extensive networks. In order assist the HTS technology to achieve its commercial break-through and transform quickly possible into effective long-term solutions, nkt cables and America’s biggest cable manufacturer Southwire Company established the Ultera® joint venture 2002.“ Ultera® – helping create the breakthrough for HTS technology The potential HTS technology immense. ® HTS Cables with BSCCO tapes, copper stabiliser, Cryoflex® dielectric, semiflexible cryostat . nkt cables continually develops the voltage rating and the performance within the product scope described the following table. The development HTS cables is in-separably linked the name nkt cables. wonder then that nkt cables has also led the market in researching and producing superconductive cables from the very beginning. the time total of 50,000 households and companies benefited. Motors, ge- nerators and transformers with HTS conduc- tors are also much smaller, and achieve the same output much lower energy consump- tion. However, nkt cables not just one the Property/Um/kV 72. Together they represent the three most successful installations worldwide with HTS cables, thus opening the door wide a new way energize. In future will millions. 200°C below zero.5 150 PE-insulated, single phase D Coaxial, single phase D Triax, three phase D Specialty conductors (X) D NT: Thermal Load, NE: EMF, LV: Low Voltage specialty conductors, available, under development Product Scope HTS cables can configured several ways using the same materials and production processes. For example they can conduct electric current without resistance app. nkt cables offers cable conductors made from the 1st generation Bi2 Sr2 Ca2 Cu3 OX superconductors, while also working integrating the new 2nd gene- ration superconductors based Y(RE)Ba2 Cu3 OX materials into these cable designs. For business the use HTS technology will mean long-term savings worth billions. Transmission capacity five times higher than that conduc-tors made of copper, while current loss reduced one tenth. The most efficient and high-performing configuration for the medium-voltage (MV) the HTS Triax™ design. Compared with copper conductors, HTS ceramic cables have number significant advantages. If the actual length the cooperation between the two companies taken into account, Ultera® now has ten years practi- cal experience the daily provision HTS cables for energy supply Europe and North America