Home wiring step by step

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Autor: Step-By-Step Guide Book Co.

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DOUBLE CHECK WITH TESTING DEVICE ABSOLUTELY SURE THE CIRCUIT DEAD. The white (neutral ground wire—also called the "continuous wire") grounded the electric service switch. (Exception: see page20) Connect the black wire the brass-colored terminal on switches, receptacles, sockets, fuse boxes, and the black wires pull chain fixtures. Again—never hook the hot wire! Important ALWAYS SHUT OFF POWER THE CIRCUIT YOU WILL WORKING ON, THE ENTIRE HOUSE YOU ARE NOT SURE WHICH FUSE BREAKER CONTROLS THE CIRCUIT. Connect the silver light-colored terminal all receptacles, etc. 20-amp fuse Color coding wire • The black wire HOT • The white wire NEUTRAL Etch this wiring rule your memory and keep there. wire, use amp fuse a 15 amp breaker protect it against overloads short circuits., and the white wire all lighting fixtures.com . 15-amp #12-2 WIRE WITH GROUND When working with No.All About Electric Wire When doing any electrical wiring, you have use the right size fuses multi-breakers protect the electric wire against any overloads short circuits. NEVER CONNECT THE BLACK (HOT) WIRE THE WHITE (NEUTRAL) WIRE. www. #14-2 WIRE WITH GROUND When working with No.EngineeringEBooksPdf. wire, use amp fuse amp breaker protect against overloads short circuits. Check below. Also, wire can handle only many watts before becomes overloaded and blows fuses kicks breakers off