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L.C. Dickson the development the motion picture camera and has gained immortality the first face on film. Many the formally trained employees West Orange had . His comments the career plans of Mr. Much has been made Edison's anti-intellectualism and his disdain for theorectical science, yet this did not prevent him from employing the products universities and technical schools.K. Fred Ott worked with W. His status the laboratory organization can judged from the famous picture the group workers around the improved phonograph taken the summer 1888.Ill- 4 lathe were only few steps away from Edison's own room. (See Illustration 3-1, #6164) Ott sits Edison's right hand, and immediately behind the inventor are Batchelor and John Ott. G. A self taught chemist, Edison probably thought that college education was overrated. Edison's basic objection employing academics was that they were not practical men and that was the business of making practical innovations. Many the new employees were college graduates. had first employed these men during the electric lighting era, and many more were hired to work the new laboratory West Orange Edison gradually raised the skill level his laboratory work force. Edison was very proud his college trained experimenters who had strong math and science skills. Yee, chemical experimenter the lab 1920, reveal this viewpoint: cannot understand why wants to attend college find really fine chemist