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The worldwide fame the "Wizard" also attracted wide spectrum workers and soon the lab opened 1887, it was inundated with applications for employment. addition to experimenters, Edison habitually employed many machinists and tool-makers his laboratory, along with specialists like glassblowers, watchmakers, and draftsmen. Future captains industry and sons the wealthy worked shoulder shoulder with machinists who journeyed back to New York City seek shelter after work. was therefore able pick and choose from many applicants create impressive work force. Working for man as famous Edison was considered great honor, and even the unskilled sons the rich clamored work the laboratory at any wage. The West Orange work force was eclectic mix many different skills and cultures, ranging from university trained chemists laborers fixed abode. The real strength the laboratory were the men who worked for him. Custom built and well stocked with every conceivable supply, was widely publicized the best lab the world. "The best lab ever" was not merely the product Edison's genius and the facilities built West Orange.Ill- 2 were often given the great honor guided tour the lab by the inventor himself. There were also laborers, untrained experimenters, and ambitious young men who . Edison's reputation was international and attracted many foreigners who came West Orange from all corners the globe and from all strata of society