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The various interpretations and scholarly debates about the character and extent the Great Depression can found in S. 29) Agreement 1887 Edison Industrial Company. 18) Meadowcroft Box 68, 53.0.B. 26) TAE Hood Wright, (Nov 1887) N87115. 25) Ibid.O. Johnson, 1888 Phono General and Tate, Open door. 20) Josephson, 394. 23) Draft agreement with Villard, W." 35) Experiment list, December 1887, 1887 Phono General. XIV (Sept, 1889), 166. Tate, Edison’s Open Door (Mew York: E. Lab General. Saul, The Myth the Great Depression 1873-1896 (London: Macmillan, 1969). Lab 1888 General.O. 21) TAE Hood Wright, (Nov 1887) N871115. Lab General. Lab General. 22) Undated letter TAE E. 32) Accounts, Bill Book #2. . 24) "Prospectus and Plan Organization” for Edison Industrial Co, 1887 Edison Industrial Co. 19) A. 31) Edison wrote 1891 that "this raising several hundred dollars panic has been tough me," 900412, 190, ENHS.17) TAE Hood Wright, (Nov 1887) 1871115? TAE Villard, Jan 1888, Lab general. Dutton, 1938), 152.H. 34) TAE Pittsburgh Chronicle Telegraph found Biographical file under "promoters came and asked redesign machine and construct steel could made a commercial basis. 27) The Electrical World. 33) Exhibit 1888, W.P.O. 28) Appendix 1888 W. 30) Exhibit 1888, W. 36) Tate Insull, Aug 1887, 87-06-21, 73.O