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many cases Edison saw new products that could easily spun off from existing technology. looked for products that had great market appeal and the potential become items mass cosumption. amounted one million dollars and expected that sales would triple "if good battery could obtained. Edison knew the electrochemical technology well and also knew the market. estimated that the annual sales storage batteries the U. His confidence his abilities as a machine builder was unbounded. The lists planned projects indicate that the beginning point many Edison's experimental campaigns was close study the market. the field electricity, thought could produce electrically driven tricycle and wide range of electrically powered tools. tried interest capitalists the development mechanical cotton picker to do for cotton what the combined harvester was doing cereal production. For example, Edison saw enormous potential an improved storage battery take the place the lead acid cells then use.S."^® .11-18 innovation for snow sweeping, for example, was device which used electricity melt snow