1881 Villard became president the
Great Northern Railroad and was, that time, heavily involved
in Edison's experiments develop electric traction.
Similarly, the German entrepreneur, Henry Villard, initially
became associated with Edison the electric lighting
business. was become the most
important venture capitalist the early days the West
Orange laboratory, providing funds for major part the
lab's work electricity.
Henry Villard was very early believer the potential
of electricity and played important role encouraging
Edison his experiments.
Unfortunately for Villard and Edison, Villard's railroad empire
crashed 1884, forcing him leave the country for his
native Germany. Edison wasted time contacting him while the
buildings were still being erected West Orange and invited
the financier come and view the new laboratory.
Morgan, was invited Edison 1887 join some ambitious
experimental projects but declined, preserving his fortune. According Edison's secretary,
William Meadowcroft, Villard was one Edison's strongest
financial backers. When Villard returned the United States, he
was further impressed with the rapid advance electricity and
keen support Edison's new laboratory. Villard not only had
considerable entrepreneurial experience but also valuable
connections international finance. Like many the venture capitalists
around Edison, Villard had begun his business career the
railroad industry