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Rather than deal with private bank, Edison preferred develop one-on-one relationship with venture capitalist. Edison believed that the private bankers were out deprive inventors the returns their inventions, and knew that he could get better terms joint projects with venture capitalists. played the important role financing the Edison electric lighting system— and his experience with them had not been pleasant. The balance was found marketing the services of the laboratory and carrying out research for venture capitalists. disliked paying high interest rates and resented the banks' practice calling their loans short notice. costs. Edison avoided borrowing money from Wall Street if possible, instead looked venture capital support 15 his work.11-10 This brings the total yearly business with the Edison companies to $27,000— sum less than half his estimated operating 14 . Edison had used the services private bankers the past— Drexel, Morgan and Co. Edison's financial planning for his laboratory was intended make him independent bankers. Here the Wizard Menlo Park could work his special magic impressionable financiers. His loathing the New York banking community, which called "the usual crooked gang Wall Street promoters," runs through his correspondence. The importance venture capitalists financing Edison's work cannot underestimated; financiers and