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Poznámky redaktora
F. Roosevelt, Sept 1915, Bio file Hutchison diary, Dec 1918. 40) TAE Inc. Brady, Dec 1910. . 27) "The rule that has been adopted not permit your name to be used connection with any enterprise except those which you control and for which you feel personal responsibility, is safe one follw, Dyer TAE, July 1910, 1910 SB. 39) Conot, 448. 31) Constable Clark, Jan 1920, Constable files Eng Dept. 34) TAE H. 36) Congressional Record, vol 71, no. 24) See Wyn Wachhorst, Edison: American Myth (Cambridge: MIT Press, 1981). 33) Miller Tasker, Aug 1909, 090507, 521. 38) TAE Hood Wright, Mov 1887, 871115. 32) Constable Hudson, Sept 1917.D. Annual report, 1952, Charles Edison fund. 26) Testimony John Lieb, April 1925, box bio L. 29) Miller Flint, Mar 1909, 090115, 360. 28) TAE F. 35) Sutcliffe H. 97, Resolution Oct 1929.XIV—24 23) Advertising for long playing record, 1926, phono. 37) Vanderbilt, 299. 30) Constable Product Engineers, Sept 1917, Lab bb. Scott, Mov 1918, lot people think that (Edison) still working small lab Menlo Park," 1918 Phono Gen. 25) Promotional material, May 1912, Phono Disc.M