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Poznámky redaktora
" These products bore Edison's image, his famous signature, and his personal assurance that these were the only toasters and coffee makers developed his laboratories. Although these designs were simple and elegant, they were way revolutionary.Xiv-ll advertising material striking example tasteful art deco. The great future for consumer durables did not materialize. The new feature the toaster was that could toast both sides of two pieces bread simultaneously. The public did not seem care that these were Edison toasters and the hard times the Great Depression reduced the market for premium priced kitchen appliances. The . They not have the flair the work Peter Behrens for AEG, the dramatic clarity of Gerhard Marck's designs for coffee makers. Failure followed the wake R&D committee. The Edicraft products were the ultimate style and performance, representing "the final achievement years 21 of research and experiment. The Edicraft division did not meet the expectations the management TAE Inc." The products were two years in the development stage and claimed radical improvements on the existing toasters and coffee makers the market. The Edicraft products are conservative renditions new style in industrial design. After years relentless exploitation, this advertising line was beginning lose its appeal. The siphonator was portrayed "the first real improvement coffee making 25 22 years