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Poznámky redaktora
312. 70-71. 53) Maxwell resigned Mar 1922, Edison Phonograph Works minutes, Charles Edison fund, East Orange NJ. lab folders for 1920-1922.181-182; Acounts records and W., Dec 1919, Jones Collection, Box 11 52) "Personal Audit," Jones Collection, Box 19, 1920. 44) Annotation 1925 Radio newspaper cutting 45) Notes 1925 Phono Victor. 47) Art Walsh CE, April 1927, Phono closing down. 51) Anon TAE inc.XI11-30 42) Frow, Edison Disc Phonographs, 68. 46) TAE annotation Mar 1926 letter, phono manu. . 55) Jenkins, Images and Enterprise, p. 48) Phonograph advertising Frow, Edison Discs, pp. Oct 1926. 50) Edward Marshall, "Machine Made Freedom," Forum. 1 54) Wise, Appendices; Reich, pp. 43) ”Excerpt from Chapelle* talk,'* Script for tour of Victor Works, 1/15/27, 1927 Phono Victor. 49) 1928 Edison Industries Products, promotional booklet.0