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XIII- 15 because the "old man" was reluctant enter business where the patent situation was complex. Miller Reese Hutchison was typical the men who thought that a fortune could made radio. was afraid that moving into the radio would be "going against the boys wireless. Edison did not see his way clear develop product without considerable conflict with other inventors. His opposition radio was based both commercial and technical considerations, in the same way that opposed alternating current for its economic and technological drawbacks. His small company was also typical the many drop-outs the industry. Edison's stubborn opposition radio was not unusual the phonograph industry for all the leading companies opposed radio and would not let their stars perform the air." ^ Radio soon began cut into the sales pianos, sheet music, and phonographs, but Edison labeled passing craze and would have nothing with it. Radio promised to be the great new consumer technology the twentieth century, and many inventor-entreprenuers were attracted it. Edison doubted that radio had commercial future; was unable see its great market potential and hear its sound. Edison judged the radio musical instrument and not the great communicator, and was convinced that the speaker the first . told Charles stay away from the "radio gang crooks" and predicted the imminent demise the chaotic industry, where many small companies had 9f t entered and were struggling for survival