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Poznámky redaktora
introduced new line disc machines 1922. The Edison machines were still not cheap enough sell sluggish market... had look for sales the mass market. Just the time when the selling divisions needed reduce prices, they were were being forced the costs manufacture." The Edison industries, especially the phonograph divisions, were shocked the severity the competition after the 1920 depression. The laboratory and Works struggled make this transition while the sales force rethought its marketing strategies.^ belated response to market conditions, TAE Inc." This line was now outdated because from 1920 onwards TAE Inc. After the War the phonograph market shifted from the high priced Victrolas the very cheap disc machines. to the largest segment the market, this case the low-priced machines. Again Victor had beaten TAE Inc. The recession 1920/1921 hit the sales medium and expensive models because the public now wanted low prices and better value. The London series were the first include an upright model selling $100, yet this was still over the ideal price range $75-80 needed compete with Victor and Columbia, whose prices were dropping.because its superior musical merit.XIII- 5 practically the best cell for equal less money than the bulk of our competitors. Salesmen had always stressed the quality the Edison phonograph and had been instructed sell "the superior instrument. Many of Edison's customers lived rural areas and their Great