Edison told Mambert
that this kind directive was never carried out and went
on rampage through the Works, firing men right and left,
including John Constable, chief engineer the lab.XIII- 3
Little had been done reduce the payroll and 1921 drastic
steps were taken. told Mambert 1919: "Wages are
certainly with more loafing than ever.Only remedy is
automatic machinery and less men.
Mambert survived the crisis 1921 but could not maintain his
powerful position much longer., was
only good enough $60 week clerk.. 1924 Edison personally
removed him from office." After Edison's great purges
of 1920/21, was estimated that less than 2000 remained.
Charles Edison recalled the pain felt the decimation of
the management organization had assembled and perfected.. Administrative positions were
abolished merged into others and the work departments
amalgamated. had
no sympathy for the working man who wanted his wages keep
pace with inflation. Every division was ordered cut back its
men, including the West Orange laboratory.
An economy program was administered those who remained
in the West Orange labor force. The man who had done much modernize
the administration was scorned Edison who vindictively
asserted that Mambert, once vice president TAE Inc.
Edison's already low view labor deteriorated through
the period inflation and labor strife during the War. The services the laboratory were more
vigorously marketed and the machine shops did more routine work