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Charles was proud his achievements and his style "modern" management. Charles Edison established large personnel office and other service departments TAE Inc. The new organization was based the Edison example, with divisions centered around each product and central service departments, such research laboratory, which was run Charles Kettering. had been early advocate of the divisional system and the War gave him the opportunity to put his ideas into practice and fine-tune the organization. Charles Edison felt complimented." his return from Florida, where had been carrying out submarine detection experiments the Key West Naval Station, Edison told the press that was "very . Alfred Sloan, General Motors, sent his men study the West Orange operation before carrying out his own divisional policy. There was lack control and any means of control operations and finance, and lack of adequate information about anything.XII-17 the various Edison interests. had confused product line.^ The final tribute Charles Edison's administration came from the "old man. He created structure that managed keep control of the direction the organization without losing the advantages of decentralization. Sloan inherited a situation much like the position the Edison enterprise in 1911s We were short cash. Sloan's reorganization General Motors taken the pioneering divisional structure that laid the basis modern management large business organizations