resources the laboratory were directed into supporting this
war work.J. Here was another opportunity to
continue the work standardizing production engineering. The Phonograph Works manufactured several
military products under government contracts, including bomb
sight, Gibbs rescue apparatus, Shear Wire pistols (to cut
through barbed wire) and several types adapters. The government contracts called for precision
products demanding level competence design and
manufacture, and only the laboratory could ensure this. F.
Riker was appointed product engineer for the government work
and given the power approve all drawings, parts, and raw
. The First World War
marked the increasing power the U. Government the
economy. Federal authorities placed limits phonograph
production and requisitioned key raw materials.S. 26
While Edison chased submarines the waters the
Sound, the Edison complex West Orange also devoted itself to
the war effort. had very little choice. The
government devised specifications and the Engineering
Department the laboratory made blueprints and drawings
for the Phonograph Works. The US
Government became the leading purchaser goods and services
in the economy.XII-15
war research was not all hard work. wrote Firestone that
he could not possibly evade the work for the government, but
enthusiastically described his experiments big submarine
chaser" and invited Ford and Firestone man yacht and join
him the Long Island Sound