sell his surplus, and many other chemicals made, great
profit. The lab's staff played their part the war effort by
designing special phonograph, the Army and Navy model, for
the American troops active duty.
The entry the United States into the World War 1917
had immediate impact the Edison enterprise. was so
involved the submarine location project that had forgo
his annual camping trip with Ford and Henry Firestone. The recording studios in
New York and Columbia Street, West Orange, produced patriotic
records marches and sentimental favorites for the
"doughboys. 12-1, #496) The work force
decreased rapidly men joined up. Edison batteries were used many different roles
during the war, from powering turrets ships providing the
weak current for the signal corps. The venture chemical manufacture showed that the
West Orange laboratory could move quickly exploit an
opportunity turn innovation into paying business.
Edison was also swept the war effort." The armed forces were quick adopt the dictating
machine and special portable model was developed for use in
the field. Mambert's department
estimated that 1917 the administration had lost 50% its
staff. (Illus. The
photographs the West Orange lab reflect the surge of
patriotism that swept America: buildings covered with patriotic
buntings, victory parades passing outside Main Street, War
Bond drives the great factories, and workers uniform,
ready war. Yet his