22) George Wise, Willis Whitney, and the Origins of
Industrial Research (New York: Columbia, 1985), 97; Reich,
Making Industrial Research, p.
15) TAE Hood Wright, Nov 1887, N871115. XXI (Oct, 1887), 391.
25) Noble, America Design, 112.
16) Sometimes get idea and jot down the book,
sometimes would get while the machine was being made and
change and then note the book. Of
12) Vouchers, #1-601, voucher series, 1886-1887.
23) Electrical World.
19) Scientific American 57. 1925.
13) Maurice Holland, ’
Edison: Organizer Genius,” April 1927,
p. Spoon, 1886), 20.
Lab. 340-345; (Robert Conot, A
Streak Luck (New York: Seaview, 1979), 246. 648-650. Nov 1887, 287-290.
Oleson Voss, eds. Bruce, Alexander Graham Bell and the Conquest Solitude
(Boston Little Brown, 1973), pp.
26) Silvanus Thompson, Dynamo-Electric Machinery (New York:
Radio Hews.N.
21) Electrical Review. Ford Archives, Dearborn, Box Folio 7.
17) Frank Dyer and Thomas Martin, Edison: His Life and
Inventions (New York: Harper, 1910), pp.2.
20) Darwin Stapleton, ’
Early Industrial Research in
Cleveland,” April 1897; Bernard Carlson, ’
Science, and Business: The Professional Career Elihu
Thomson," (University Pennsylvania, 1984); David Noble,
America Design (New York: Knopf, 1977), 113. (Nov, 1888), 238
24) Draft laboratory agreement with Henry Villard, 1888 W.
18) John Rae, ’
The Application Science Industry,” A.
27) Fessenden TAE, April 1893, Biographical Files. The Organization Research Modern
America (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins, 1979), pp.
14) Lab notebooks for 1887, Reel 279.0.” Edison’s testimony in
the Complainants record, Edison American Mutascope, 119,
Legal Box 173. 249-263; Robert