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Poznámky redaktora
XII-12 THE WEST ORANGE LABORATORY DURING THE WORLD WAR. But Edison had built his laboratory meet the demands this situation.S. The Edison enterprise was founded the international flow information and materials. self-sufficient strategic chemicals and made handsome profits selling off his surplus. The shortages chemicals became evident the very OI beginning the war, the fall 1914. quickly made made TAE Inc. The war severely disrupted this network and placed TAE Inc. and the brilliant tone the diamond disc records depended their condensite finish. Edison mobilized . Edison's chemists knew that this was area for improvement. Edison's phonograph business had made him major importer of chemicals from Germany, for example. Edison was concerned with good reason; was the largest importer of phenol the U. The experiments diminish the surface noise disc records had pointed the poor quality the phenol used manufacture. The sudden elimination of this source raw material might have crippled another company. West Orange Edison had an excellent chemical laboratory, and staff with considerable experience finding substitutes for chemicals. The demands of quality control record manufacture had led thorough investigation the chemistry the raw materials. precarious position