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The systems approach allowed the separation the functions dictating and transcribing. The design and marketing of the Edison incandescent lighting system has been correctly described his great innovation this industry. The concept of business system was equally important the successful introduction dictating machine; this complicated device had marketed range products which complemented each other and the work place into which they were introduced.25 The change strategy from marketing single machine to producing office system was the crucial step breaking into the business market. The conception introducing new technology as systems rather than independent products had been the hallmark of Edison's business strategies. Edison himself shared this belief, and around 1910 was thinking about producing range machines suit each customer.XI-13 The most important innovation marketing was the realization that what was needed the office was complete system dictation and transcription, rather than just a dictating machine. Now there were different machines for dictating, transcribing, and shaving . 1905 Durand tried persuade the managers the National Phonograph Company that the business phonograph should sold system rather than single machine. This gave Edison's engineers the leeway concentrate one main function the design each machines the dictating machine no longer had able everything