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Poznámky redaktora
XI- 9 This decreased breakdowns and promised make the machine more reliable. The heart of the new machine was the electric motor which could operate on several different voltages, including alternating current. 17 the modern dictating machine. The name the Edison dictating machine was changed the Ediphone 1916 and completely new machine introduced shortly afterwards. Here was the basic concept of . Production these motors was under the control the new small motor department which was producing about 100 day in 1916. The belt drive and gearing was enclosed metal . The main criterion developed Holland for the new business machine was simplicity operation and appearance— all working parts should concealed the housing. Newman Holland worked this machine for several years 18 and did not complete his design until late 1912. (Illus 11-5, Ediphone photo) Gone the clutter of the spectacle arrangement two diaphragms and the many adjustment screws. The Ediphone was designed primariy a dictating machine and had one totally enclosed diaphragm and one lever arrangement lower the cylinder. The essence the new business phonograph was a simple, sturdy machine that minimized the number breakdowns in the hands careless user. 1914, the management TAE Inc. The first innovation the Ediphone was the much cleaner design of the top plate. had decided that soon the disc machine tooling was complete, the Works would turn its attention manufacturing business machines