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Poznámky redaktora
XI- 5 machine and produced some innovative new designs, including a machine employing discs instead cylinders. took many years before a dictating machines cost less than other common office equipment like typewriter and duplicating machines. (Illus. When Holland joined the Edison organization, the important decision had been made produce new business phonograph. In the years leading the formation TAE Inc. The business phonograph department aimed producing an "office appliance" unique new design which would set the standard dictating machines for years come. This was not easy task., the business phonograph gained more scarce experimental time. The high price of the business phonograph was disadvantage the struggle with the Dictaphone, and consequently the reduction its cost was also attended Hibbard. 11-4, . Encouraged the growth sales, and mindful the competition, the Edison interests decided 1909 develop completely new business phonograph which would the basis complete office system. In 1910 Newman Holland replaced Charles Hibbard. Holland worked the three machines which would constitute the Edison dictating system: the "executive" dictating machine, the "secretarial" machine, which was used for transcribing only, and shaving machine recycle used cylinders. Although its advertising bravely stressed the reduction in price brought about "economical manufacture" 1907, the business phonograph still cost more than the average typewriter O and the machines the competition