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Poznámky redaktora
10-5», #4632) The divisional policy had divided TAE Inc.X-27 responsible for scouting out new musical talent, purchasing music, and making the listings Edison records. along product lines and was inevitable that the engineering services provided the laboratory should follow suit. . He was expected remain close contact with the manufacturing and sales departments his product, and initially this was the rationale behind the creation the job. The product engineer was member the laboratory staff and was supervised the chief engineer. the years before the divisional policy, the lab had begun organize engineering services around each product; the lab's work was becoming product specific. The emphasis first, however, was the latter two categories, and the engineer's duty "to keep your product one 42 jump ahead the sales requirements" was stressed. Engineers with specialized knowledge of business were hired and permanently allotted product, such Newman Holland with the business phonograph. The essence his job was focus the services of the lab onto his specific product; was able use all the service departments the lab— toolmaking, drafting, testing— his work. The product engineer was specialist who devoted his time a single product, such the disc phonograph the motion picture. (Illus. memo 1917 classified the duties the product engineer experimental, development, manufacture, and sales