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Poznámky redaktora
The Experiment and Development organization included the management the laboratory's machine shops, the music room, and Edison's personal staff. The latter were the "muckers” experimenting with Edison. Engineers like Doc Halprin had always been Works employees the years the creation TAE Inc. Yet the clearer definition their duties led realization that they should managed the chief engineer rather than the Works superintendent. Chart 10-2 shows the organization the laboratory. The music room was the site experiments connected with recording techniques and the testing phonographs and reproducers.X-26 the staff the laboratory who were involved production engineering. It was under the control Clarence Hayes who was also . The divisional policy was reflected the creation service departments the laboratory. Other engineers were brought from the divisions. Adolph Gall, for example, was moved from the Motion Picture Division the lab 1917 and given the job of production engineering for phonograph reproducers. They were therefore transferred the lab staff the new service departments. They were the remnants the nineteenth century Edison laboratory. The shift in engineering responsibilities from the Works the lab is revealed the number employees who were taken from the Works payroll and transferred the lab. The drafting, tool design, and testing departments were part the Engineering Service, which also included the construction and maintenance departments