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Poznámky redaktora
Several other operations had been taken from the West . accelerated the growth satellite laboratories the various divisions TAE Inc. One tester argued that "the importance the work here, related the marketing the product, mind . 1916 much the experimenting and testing West Orange was being done the manufacturing buildings which clustered around the original Edison 36 laboratory.X-22 Edison's manufacturing plants had led the creation of testing laboratories the many factories built the early years the twentieth century. The test department of the Edison Storage Battery Company slowly enlarged its functions and 1913 research department was created at Silver Lake." 1917 the Silver Lake laboratory was enlarged, and soon became competitor with the West Orange laboratory for chemical testing work. 37 unquestionable. the primary function these separated laboratories was testing and quality control, they had be close the point manufacture. The divisional policy TAE Inc. The pressure work led the formation separate testing department with its own facilities the storage battery factory. Testing was considered vital part battery manufacture because the end product had reliable and free of defects. The storage battery business required extensive testing services and initially this was carried out the West Orange laboratory the battery research department and later the small cell test department