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Mambert got closer Edison, his power grew until portrayed himself the means translate "Mr. When Edison began the divisional policy instructed every divison to supply him with daily reports orders and shipments. Stephen Mambert reached the top TAE Inc, gaining the confidence the chief executive.." The division managers were instructed send copious information about their activities the central management..to effect oo greater economies and properly conserve our finances. The divisional structure was still responsive the economy drive the central management, who made known that was Edison's "personal desire. The stream information arriving Edison's desk the lab provided him with the means staying touch with operations.X-15 which all orders for materials, tools, and services had to 22 pass. This policy was continued his son, whose power was growing inside TAE Inc. Although the divisional policy created several organizations (the divisions) for coordinating production and administering sales, did not detract from the power TAE Inc's central management. While Edison concerned himself with the pressing technical problems the disc, professional managers took a larger part running the new organization. Edison's policies relative Management, Labor and Sales" into . Charles Edison requested the divisions provide him with monthly reports about cost 25 reductions and new methods production