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Mambert, the other hand, was conscientious worker with great ambition. gained the ear Edison and was soon promoted "Efficiency Engineer" and placed the lab organization. His power and jurisdiction steadily increased and did the size the Efficiency Engineer's department. scrutinized the payroll and hunted down "discrepancies. The divisions were told that their dealings with outside manufacturers should be confined information that was needed make "an 21 intelligent request" for goods supplies.X-14 distractions during his early years the company, including 20 the delights Greenwich Village.10-3, # 4660) As head the Financial Executive, Stephen Mambert implemented much tighter purchasing policy all parts of TAE Inc.(Ilus. Mambert also had to approve the disposal by-products and waste. Previously the purchasing policy was poorly defined and the department was small." checked, and double checked, accounts payable and receivable. Mambert was mainly concerned with controlling the spiralling costs the organization; he was administrator, not engineer salesman. It relentlessly pressed each manager for the exact details his operation. The financial executive became the means control the divisions. the new order things requisitions for materials were funnelled through Mambert's organization and the enlarged Purchasing Department could not act until received proper authorization. acted the clearing house through