Edison supervised every major experimental campaign in
the laboratory addition his work rebuilding the Works
and restructuring the organization. (See
Table 10-1. indulged orgy all-night
experimenting sessions throughout 1915 and 1916, vowing that "I
shall never stop until get rid altogether. was only after the quality the disc surface had
been markedly improved that attention was given the
mechanical operation the new phonograph.6
Yet for Edison and the men around him, R&D the disc product
was major project that was preoccupy them until 1917.
Edison's experts the laboratory applied their knowledge of
the phonograph and their experience with the cylinder format to
the disc. The more sensitive the recording diaphragm,
the more surface noise was reproduced. His secretary and
biographer, William Meadowcroft, had been with the "old man"
long enough have seen many periods frantic activity, yet
. The C-250
Chipppendale model, introduced 1916, was the first Edison
disc phonograph achieve widespread commercial success. Edison was determined to
capture all the "overtones" the recording but this forced
him into the difficult task reducing the loudness the
surface noise." His large
personal staff was fully occupied assisting the "old man,"
and great deal time was spent making minor improvements
in disc duplication and the condensite recording medium. The
first priority was improve the disc and eliminate some of
the surface noise