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The search for improved, lighter reproducer that would not damage records became long and difficult one.3 The diamond point the Edison disc phonograph was claimed superior the competition's steel stylus because not only sounded better but also did not have be replaced. The rapid recovery from this disaster testament Edison's personal leadership the organization. The wooden factory structures soon began burn furiously and the fire spread rapidly through the rest the Works. Unfortunately, the diamond point acted abrasive on the record surface and decreased its playing life. led the clearing .10-1) Although the fire seriously damaged the West Orange complex, the laboratory was miraculously saved and with the precious moulds and recordings for the phonograph business. (Illus. The year great activity the West Orange complex was ended December 1914 when fire nearly consumed the whole area. The condensite recording media the disc also had perfected. The starting point the fire was shed containing highly inflamable motion picture film stock which stood the middle the old Phonograph Works buildings. The resources the laboratory were therefore committed frantic efforts solve these problems during the winter 1914. The flames blazed for hours and could seen seven miles away Newark. the time the fire had been brought under control the next day, thirteen buildings had been badly damaged destroyed an O estimated loss million dollars