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The kinetophone finally came with outsize cylinders 1/4'' diameter and 1/2 long that played for six minutes. The two minute cylinder format was naturally unsuitable for minute films and therefore the experimental team's first task was develop a longer playing phonograph. significant that Edison chose remain with the cylinder format for the kinetophone, even though the disc offered greater playing time. The tempo research the kinetophone picked during the negotiations leading the formation of the MPPC. One the toughest problems solve the kinetophone project was the synchronization sound with the moving image; William Dickson could certainly attest that after his years . The kinetophone was another electrically powered machine come out Edison's laboratory. The projector was hand cranked but needed electricity power the lamp. 1908 man was working full time the laboratory on this project and monthly expenditure experiments grew steadily. Here they had the benefit years of prior experimentation larger cylinders and longer playing times.IX-30 continuing 1914. The playback machine was powered electric motor run house current (although the recorders seem to have been spring driven). There were several difficult technical challenges the development sound films which were responsible for the long delays introducing commercial machine. The kinetophone was a film projector linked special phonograph