This laboratory was specially fitted
up test many bulbs under different operating conditions. The laboratory supplied current houses in
Llewellyn Park and this small distribution system was used for
testing Edison's engineers. Building housed Lamp Testing Room
where team about four experimenters tested lamps under the
direction Charles Deshler.1-22
The laboratories the electrical and communications
industries were outside main stream American industrial
research their orientation towards new technology; the major
function the laboratories the railroads, steel works, and
petroleum companies was testing.
The most impressive testing installation the
laboratory was the dynamo room the main laboratory building. The lab tested dynamos, conductors, and incandescent
bulbs for all the other organizations the Edison electric
lighting enterprise. Testing electrical
equipment was major function the Edison laboratory for
only the lab possessed the accurate measuring equipment do
the job.
This was equipped with several different types electrical
generators and was used simulate all aspects central
station operation. A
continual program improvement its equipment was carried
out during the first years operation Edison's engineers
constantly sought more precise measurement and more realistic
operating environment. Much Edison's West Orange
laboratory was also devoted testing, namely building (ore
samples) and building (electricity). The whole West Orange