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The ten members of the company, Trust was called, comprised the leading members the American motion picture industry. during the difficult years after 1910. With phonograph sales decline and serious problems with the new disc machine, the returns from motion pictures supported TAE Inc. Although the agreement was signed the library his West Orange laboratory, Edison did not originate the idea promote the Company— was the work of some his competitors, some whom had put out feelers to make cross licensing agreements well before the Company was formed 1908. The creation the Motion Picture Patents Company in 1908 brought end the "unfair and ruinous competition" which had deprived inventors, like Edison, fair return on their motion picture patents.THE KINETOPHONE When Hutchison first came work the laboratory the motion picture business had become major part the Edison enterprise. The MPPC issued licenses film makers and collected the royalties from . The Motion Picture Patents Company (MPPC) was a monopolistic organization formed the basis the major patents motion picture cameras and films. 1912 the motion picture department was the most profitable part the Edison enterprise, Table 9-%, indicates