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Twelve-inch turn­ table. Diamond Point Reproducer. Diamond Point Reproduce! Powerful spring motor with worm driven gear« Metal part, gold plated. Sheraton Mahogany, Inlaid Marquetry PRICK. Powetful »pring motor with worm driven gear«. .Complete Line Edison Disc Phonographs for 1913-14 Louis XVI Circassian Walnut Cabinet, Circassian Walnut; ha- large drawer holding Kdison Disc Record». Circassian Walnut: ha» two drawers each holding Kdison Disc Records. Automatic UtW. elv -in turn-table. Dimen­ sions; inches high; 20?> inches wide: 20?> inches deep. Automatic record feed. Automatic stop. Diamond Point Reproducer. Dimension«: 4IJ1j itches high; incite! wide; 22'i inche Louis XVI Mahogany PRICK. $300. Powerful •pring motor with worm driven gear« Metal parts gold plated. Automatic record feed. Quartered Oak, fumed finish. Twelve inch turn-table. $80. Mahogany, Semi-glo«- finish; ha» two drawer« each bidd­ ing Kdison Disc Records. MODKL 200 Mahogany PRICK. Automatic record feed. Powerful spring intttor with worm driven gear«. Inlaid Mar luetry; has large drawer holding Edison Dine Records- Twelve inch turn-table.375. Automatn «top, Dimensions: inches high. Mahogany; ha» large drawer holding .00 Cabinet, Mahogany, Setm-Clos* finish, Quartered Oak. Kdison Disc Rec«»rdt. $275.00 3 Í Cabinet. Mahogany, Inlaid Plain ha» large dtauet holding Kdison Disc Record». Diitteu- Automatic stop. Diamond Point Reproducer Powerful spring motor with worm drivengear«. Automatic record feed. Louis XV Circassian Walnut PRICK, $425. 23 inches wide; ¡nche« deep. Automatic record feed. Metal part* gold plated. Mahogany; ha* large drawer holding Kdinon Di*r Record« Twelve-inch turn-table Automatic record lecd.00 Cabinet.00 Cabinet. Metal » gold plated. Metal parts gold plated. Automatic stop. Powerful spring motor with worm driven gear» Metal part» gold plated. Scnii-tII,h- finish; ha« large draw«-! holding It. Dia­ mond Point Reproducer. $290. MODEL 80 Mahogany and Oak PRICK. Diamond Point Reproduce* Powerful spring motor with worm driven gear*. Automatic record feed. Metal parts gold-plated Automatic stop. Mahogany. Metal part»gold plated Automatic stop. 17 inches wide; 21H inches deep. Dimension- 4'1 incile« high; 2ll,i inches wide; 2111 inches deep.00 Cabinet. Spring motor. Twelve-inch turn­ table. Metal parts Nickel plated, huffed and polished. $400.00 Cabinet. Automatic •top. Powerful l . Diamond Point Reproducer. Dimcn- •ions: 4‘> inches high; inches wide: inches deep Sheraton I n l a i d Plain PRICK. Automatic record lecd. $60. Metal parts MODEL 60 Oak PRICK. Dimension« 40 inches high; inches wide; 23 inches deep. Dia mond Point Reproducer. o u i sXV Mahogany PRICK, $. Twelve-inch turn­ table.00 Cabinet. Twelve-inch turn­ table. Twelve inch turn-table. $200. Citcasvian Walnut, ha- large drawer holding . AuO- malic record feed.36 Kdtson Disc Re« ord*. Automata »too. Circassian Walnut PRICK. Xutomatic recurd feed. Turn-table stop. Automatic record leed.00 Cabinet, \lah«*gany. Twelve-inch turn-table.36 Kdiimi Disc Record«. elv e-in turn-table. Dia mond Point Reproducer.00 Cabinet. Golden finish. Dimension«: inches high; 51 inches wide: inches deep Cabinet. Powerful •pring minor with worm driven gear». Dia­ mond Point Reproducer. Dimensions; inches high. Diamond Point Reproducer