Edison's fame inventor made easy sell the
phonograph the basis its advanced technology.must
be better.. The "Wizard Menlo Park" combined
success with some cherished American values, and his image
gained international recognition— only the face King
Gillette was universally known Edison's. The vertical cut system had the advantage of
better frequency response because the stylus could modulate at
greater distances capture the full effect the bass
notes. "Every
American citizen knows Edison and his work," said one advert in
1907, "and therefore feels convinced that the phonograph.IX-10
Edison phonograph used the unique method making vertical
cut the groove, providing hill-and-dale path for the
stylus follow. The convergence
of his manufacturing strategy and the Edison image brought
further exposure the West Orange laboratory. The existing disc technology, and standard
for companies manufacturing disc machines, was the lateral cut
whereby the stylus moved from side side the groove rather
than and down. Edison products
were the result his genius the laboratory and
subsequently they were advertised "products the Edison
The advertising department became very important the
fight against Victor, especially when the Edison company began
to market unreliable (and often inferior) disc products." Edison's image the great
inventor and prophet technological progress gained momentum
in the twentieth century.because Edison made it