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The rapid technological change the "Second Industrial Revolution" made it imperative keep pace with technological development as well monitor ever more complex operations. Several the new corporations— Standard Oil and the Pennsylvania railroad among them— saw the advantages chemical laboratories. Successful inventors like Alexander Graham Bell needed encouragement to set their own laboratories further their work. the 1880s there was already tradition works laboratories and material testing American companies that dated back the First Industrial Revolution. The larger, and more scientific, industries the Second Industrial Revolution put higher premium industrial research. The Bell Company faced the problems operating complicated technological system and quickly formed corporate laboratories charged with testing, product improvement, and examining new telephone technology.1-20 EDISON'S LABORATORY AND THE CONTEXT INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH Although Edison claimed that "there similar institution existence," his new laboratory was means the only research facility the United States. He established the Volta Laboratory Associates 1881 which 1f t included his cousin Chichester Bell and Charles Tainter. One the laboratory managers was Ezra Gilliland, self-taught electrician and old friend of