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^" .IX- 1 CHAPTER NINE: R&D THE TWENTIETH CENTURY DEVELOPING THE DISC PHONOGRAPH The development the Edison disc phonograph was one of the most vital experimental projects carried out the West Orange laboratory; the future TAE Inc. Sales cylinder phonographs had slipped steadily after they reached peak 1907, and the steady decline sales which followed alerted the National Phonograph Company the realities the phonograph market: the cylinder was decline and the future belonged the disc record. depended the successful introduction disc line. was also test the administrative skills and marketing prowess the new business organization. The rapid production of an Edison disc phonograph was the first test the new engineering organization involving concerted action from both laboratory and Works. TAE Inc. had the unenviable job breaking into market that was completely dominated Victor, and then facing Victor's angry response. the financial year ending February 1912 total 61,320 cylinder machines were sold, compared the 289,822 sold five years earlier. The new disc machine was viewed within the Edison organization as the product which would "put new life into the business" and return the company its former position prosperity