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Poznámky redaktora
P. 44) MPC R. April 1907, 1. His brother, Isiah Smith Hyatt coined the term, and the brothers set the Celluloid Manufacturing Company which began operations Newark 1872, Robert Friedel, Pioneer plastic (Madison: Wisconsin Press, 1983), pp. Lybrand was partner CPA firm who was sending information about company organization Dyer. 47) Roundtable letter, 1920, Eng Files. Sales; Edison Phonograph Monthly. The Indestructable Record Company was formed around Lambert’s patents 1906. Dun Co, July 1911, 1911 West Orange lab-general) 45) Roundtable letter, 1920 Engineering Files.34) Westee Gilmore, June 1907, M. Thomas Lambert was granted patent covering use celluloid recording media. 40) W. 41) Dyer NPC, Sept 1910, TAE lab employees. Lab . 52) Wilson Gilmore, May 1907, 1907 Phono Sales; Weber Memo July 1907, 1907 Phono Manu.G. . 37) Dyer March 1910, 1910 Lab. Jan 1910, #1 36) Westee Dyer, March 1910, 1910 W. 46) Edison Phonograph Monthly. 38) TAE Sloane, Jan 1911, 101218, p350. Lybrand Dyer, Mar 1910, 1910 Lab Employees. Mar 1903, #3. 39) Dyer TAE, March 1910, 1910 Lab. 49) Welch Read, Tinfoil Stereo, 96. John Wesley Hyatt developed celluloid and gained the important patents. 35) Edison Phonograph Monthly. 50) Gilmore Edison, Sept 1903, Phono, NPco. 12-17. Bergren Dyer, May 1911, 1911 TAE inc, 2; EPW Memo, April 1911, TAE Inc 2. 42) ’ ’ Key Office Organization Chart," 1912 TAE Inc.J. 51) Roundtable letter, April 1920, Engineering Dept files. 43) Press clippings 1911 TAE Inc . 48) E.M.0