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Unfortunately, after three years, the project died because Beach was unable build sales organization promote the car and failed pay his debts to his suppliers.(6) In some ways, the storage battery campaign had gone the same way the ore milling venture; Edison had begun assuming that large market existed for his products, only discover that the market changed during the long years development. Along with the electric truck, Edison pushed for a battery-powered streetcar. Edison realized that such cars were desirable for rush hours mass transit systems since they did not use additional power from the main generating station and hence did not require expansion the transit system's power plant order meet increased peak load.3 Tiffany and Altman's) used electric trucks with Edison batteries. To develop this idea, Edison built short railway line near the laboratory during the winter 1909-1910. However, with the introduction the electric starter for the gasoline engine 1912, electric trucks lost much their advantage and were gradually replaced by gasoline trucks.(5) manufacture a special car, Edison gave former General Electric engineer, Ralph Beach, the exclusive right build streetcars using his battery. Beach established factory adjacent the Silver Lake Chemical Works. But unlike ore milling, Edison persevered, and from 1910 to 1915, devoted much effort identifying and cultivating